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Fueling Your Student Athlete

Written by Your Sports Nutritionist | Aug 31, 2017 1:02:58 PM

Jax Nutrition carries sports nutrition products that can help keep student athletes healthy and energetic, even with their demanding schedules.

The key to success as a student athlete has always been consistency: Consistent practice builds athleticism and teamwork, and consistently getting the proper nutrients builds great health and maximizes workouts.

Getting proper nutrition can be difficult for anyone, but for a student athlete it can be particularly challenging. Balancing classwork, studying, after- (and sometimes before-) school practices, and maintaining relationships, all while trying to maximize performance and recovery can really take its toll. Jax Nutrition offers a wide variety of nutritional supplements, allowing student athletes to properly nourish themselves for their intensive practices:

Prior to Practice

Before beginning, it’s important to fuel up with enough carbohydrates to maximize glycogen reserves. Glycogen is the stored form of carbohydrates in our bodies. These carbs provide an ideal fuel source, powering muscles during exercise. Tailwind Endurance Fuel provides carbs for energy as well as electrolytes to hydrate, preparing student athletes for even the most challenging workouts. This relatively simple drink formula contains sucrose and dextrose, which give athletes a sudden burst of energy so that they can start practice out strong. Because Tailwind mixes easily with water, it can be tossed into a hydration pack or bottle, transported to practice, and easily accessed.

During Practice

As important as it is to fuel up before practice, this alone is not enough for an athlete to stay strong and energetic throughout the day. Jax Nutrition thus offers a number of other products to help maintain energy as during workouts and practices. Chief among these is Jax BCAA, a powder that promotes protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. By consuming this periodically during training, athletes will be able to avoid muscle fatigue, keep energy levels up, and preserve and enhance lean muscle. This product also helps speed muscle strain recovery time, allowing athletes to bounce back and remain in the game the entire time.

In addition to BCAA, we also recommend the continued use of Tailwind Endurance Fuel Drink during practice. Not only will it boost energy levels by steadily supplying an athlete with carbohydrates, but it’s also a great way to stay hydrated and reduce cramping. Because of its convenient packaging, it should be no trouble to keep it readily available during even the most strenuous activities.

After Practice

As is typical, committed student athletes are likely to push themselves to the limit during each practice, which often leaves them feeling exhausted and strained at the end. Keep this fatigue and strain to a minimum with Jax Protein Powder. Made from five different sources of protein, this powder is easy to digest, ditching the bloat that is common with other protein powders. Once consumed, it also assists in the protein synthesis process, helping muscles heal more quickly from a demanding day of sports. We also offer Endurox R4, a product in which each ingredient serves a recovery purpose, whether to reduce inflammation and soreness, assist in rebuilding damaged muscle fiber, or to replenish depleted glycogen/energy stores.

Taking care of oneself as a student athlete doesn’t end on the field. It’s important to consume a healthy amount of protein, carbohydrates, and other nutrients that will feed muscles, boost energy levels, improve performance, and speed recovery. Jax Nutrition is committed to providing student athletes with the necessary nutrients in a variety of convenient, delicious and safe forms. For more information, or to purchase products, visit our website today.